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Josie & Her Daughter

The Full Story ~ A Tribute to Josie


As many of you know, I am hardly at a loss for words.  Although I knew I wanted to give tribute to my mom, I found it difficult to put words to paper. So, I decided to look up the definition of “tribute.” A tribute is an act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration. Know that the purpose of this tribute is to let all in my hearing know a little bit more about what a wonderful person my mom was. In early March I was able to share my mom’s testimony of her miraculous healing eight years ago with the Women’s Ministry at my church.  I had asked her permission to do so and her answer was that the Lord told her we should tell her story.  She was very in tune with hearing from the Lord.  When we would discuss decisions that I needed her to make she never hesitated to say, let me pray about it.  Long story short, this is just another opportunity to tell her story. 

She loved family and was close with her cousins on both her mom and dad’s side, two of which are here today.  I recall many family gatherings where she was with them laughing and sharing all kind of stories from the past some of which I could not believe happened. She treated her nieces and nephews like her own children; dressing me and my cousin Stephanie (who’s here with my aunt, Wanda) alike, accompanying her sister Jane when they took her nephews Aaron and Stevie to Disney World (but didn’t take Stephanie or me), babysitting her great nieces when they were visiting and most recently pushing her great nephew, Little Stevie on her walker.


She loved her mother dearly who is also here today.  She lived with her for many years, taking care of her as a promise to her dad until 2010 when she became ill but afterwards deciding she wanted to live on her own. She often told me of sports conversations and catching up with her sister in law, Wanda. She also believed her brother-in-law, Bob who is here was the best cook ever, never denying a take home plate when we visited. Her and her two sisters (Vi and Jane) were like the 3 Musketeers; chatting on the phone, hanging out and doing all kinds of stuff together and separately: church, bible study, concerts, proms, conferences, etc.


My aunts provided words that they thought best described my mom. It really was helpful to hear what they thought. They described my mom, commonly known as “Josie” as

  • Giving

  • Loving

  • Faithful

  • Reliable

  • Funny

  • Kind

  • Encouraging

  • Humble

  • Caring

Her response to a compliment or good news was always “Praise the Lord” and she was not into gossip or talking about people. Her response was always, “Bless his/her heart.”  This quote from my aunt describes these traits about my mom. “It is good to be a Christian and know it, but it’s better to be a Christian and show it.”


I will end with this from my point of view as daughter.  One thing I know without a shadow of a doubt is that my mom loved me.  Even though we ended ever conversation with “Love you”, her actions spoke volumes above her words.  The many sacrifices she made for me; working tirelessly to provide for me; being stricter than strict to teach me discipline and respect and the fear of God and her.  She wanted me to have the things in life she did not have (not material things) but a college education and opportunities to explore and try new things.  I often teased her about making me accept a scholarship from a school I did not want to go to and making we stick it out for at least one year which ended up being four years with a degree.  I know I would not be where I am today or the woman I am without her love, guidance, and support.  I read lots of things online last week regarding tributes to mothers. Although I do not know what it’s like to be a mother, I know I had the BEST MOTHER EVER and that she had the best Mother’s Day ever because she was in the presence of the Lord. The Bible says, “To be absent from the body is to be in the presence of the Lord.” 


It has been an honor and privilege to take care of my mom the last 10 years even providing her final wishes for this celebration of life (song, scripture, type of flowers, casket and grave plot by a tree) but most of all I am proud to be the daughter of Josephine “Josie” Miller.  She will always be in our hearts and she has left a wonderful legacy for us to cherish.  Psalm 1: 1- 3 says:

1 Blessed is the one

    who does not walk in step with the wicked

or stand in the way that sinners take

    or sit in the company of mockers,

2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,

    and who meditates on his law day and night.

3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,

    which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither—

    whatever they do prospers. (NIV)



Written and read by Michele P Miller on May 15, 2020 at the Celebration of Life for Josephine “Josie” Miller.

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